The return of Wednesday Clicks

Only to return on a Monday, I have decided to return my old trend of providing some interesting links as well as excerpts from other sources which either inspire me or give some sort of educational value.

First up for this week:

  • I’ve only started reading some inspirational blogs lately especially to gain some insights of what I can use in life as well as apply at my job which has been consuming a lot of my time lately. Just see when was my last posting and you will know why. Anyway, I thought that this article on “How to be good at something” is very relevant and useful to us all no matter which industry you might be in.
  • A good book review on the “The presentation secrets of Steve Job” can be found over at Duarte’s blog. In case you don’t know who Nancy Duarte is, she is the owner of the company that came out with Al Gore’s “The Inconvenient Truth”. I get plenty of corporate presentation tips from her although I still find it hard to apply some of the design principles into corporate slides.
  • In case you have been living in a nutshell, Louis Pang recently launched his new training portal called WedShooter. Check it out over here, sign up quick and get a discount for a year’s subscription as well as his World Tour DVD!
  • Scott Kelby has a recent posting on what every new Lightroom user should know. Check it out especially in particularly that you are new to Lightroom as well as trying to figure out what Lightroom is about.

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