Siaran Tergendala

At the moment, crunch time is here and I am trying to spend as much time as I can to study for my upcoming exam, next week on Tuesday.  This is actually a professional certification for project management (yes, even project managers need some sort of certification for a professional body, in this case, PMI). After so many years of not studying for exams, this has come to be a shock for me. Now I have enormous respect for those of you out there who are studying part time especially whether it is for your CPA, ACCA, CFA or MBA (man that is a whole lot of acronyms) which is much longer than my PMP (another acronym pulak), all the best! (Fiona, Boon and Jun, my hats off to you!)


Will be right back after these long pauses. In the mean time, I worked on a slide show for Shootfest, well basically something I had in my head and at the same time, I was trying some new slideshow making techniques so stay tuned as well. At the mean time, I will leave this post with an image from my recent trip to New York.


I took this shot when I was up at the Empire State building. My advice, don’t go up there in shorts, slippers and a t-shirt. It was absolutely freezing cold!

7 thoughts on “Siaran Tergendala”

  1. Oh… fantastic night scene of NYC by the way! Wished I had taken the time to take more photos when I was there… was too busy shopping and eating! hahahaha..

  2. CincauHangus – Wah you took the PMI when in Uni? Can qualify? The PMP requires a minimum of 3600 of project management related contact hours before can qualify to sit for the exam.

    Fiona – Thanks for the well wishes, NYC is a fantastic place to shop! I am not the shopper kind of guy but when I went to the Woodbury Commons Premium Outlet, I sort of went shopping crazy, spent at least 6 hours of shopping non-stop. LOL.

    ShaolinTigger – The horizon is slanted because of barrel distortion. I only had my 14-24mm lens with me at that time and it has a lot of barrel distortion. Actually I was wondering if I should correct it via PS or maintain it this way, I kinda like the curved horizon. 😛

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