Moving my WordPress Site to Exabytes

The past few days have been rocky, especially when it came to this site. I know I haven’t really been paying much attention to it, hence I decided to move it over to cheaper hosting. This meant trying to get it out from and then over to Exabytes. Trying to move everything over smoothly wasn’t as easy which included me having to reinstall WordPress after I made some mistake out there. Oh well, hopefully, it will get better over the following weeks. At the same time, this would get me to reconnect back with the very few readers I might have and start churning out content again.

Constantly getting hit with this error when trying to import

One area in which I had issues was when I tried to import in the XML files whilst trying to download the attachments. This resulted in a constant time out connection error. Reports to Exabytes helpdesk were made but it didn’t seem to fix the issue so I just went ahead and manually uploaded the image files via FTP. Hopefully, that might have solved the issue and perhaps someday, I might just clean up my content in here again. It has been a while since I have had full manual control of my WordPress site as when it was hosted at, my plan didn’t allow me to even use plugins.

At Exabytes, hopefully I should be able to get a fast loading website and if you don’t experience that, please leave your comments below!

Clicking the “Download and import file attachments” causes the timeout error

Anyway, a fresh new start and hopefully, better content here as well. See you in the next post!

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