Being a 2nd Shooter
I recently read a post over at Jasmine Star’s blog where her husband, JD, talked about being a 2nd shooter. In case you all are unaware that I am actually one of WeddingStory‘s 2nd shooter and I do 2nd shoot for other photographers as well, I thought that this post came about as very real … Read more
Chicago the Windy City – Day 2
Alright, I am definitely responsible for a little lack of blog updates. I guess the moment I turned this into a true blue photography blog, I seem to realise that I have that amount to blog about but then again, I am the number procrastinator when it comes to processing photos and getting up on … Read more
After thoughts
My day always begin with me getting ready for work (on weekdays of course) followed by my ever none changing routine of driving 50 kilometers to Cyberjaya. The drive might be boring to some but I have gotten used to the long drive (albeit not as long as those who get stuck in KL traffic!). … Read more
Off to Langkawi
It is 7am here now in Kuala Lumpur and I am feeling extremely sleepy. Getting up at 5am is something I don’t do too often, of course sleeping at 5am doesn’t count. So the title probably gave me away. Here I am sitting at the newly refurbished Taste of Asia restaurant at the LCCT airport surfing the web (using my Maxis 3G line because the wi-fi here is near impossible to connect to!) whilst waiting for my flight at 7.30 together with the WeddingStory team.