Technical Difficulties

I just changed some settings on my blog hence there will be some technical difficulties accessing my older posts using the older URL’s. Note that the changes affect the URL of each post link. New posts will be named after the title of the post for better references rather than an fugly number which WordPress … Read more

Wednesday Clicks

Yay, its the 2nd time I am posting the Wednesday Clicks and after about 20 more times, it becomes a habit. A photographer I know has started her blog. Go ahead and check it out, trust me, you will not be dissapointed with her photos! The Bukit Antarabangsa landslide tragedy has been the headlines of … Read more

Shooting for Free?

This topic has been brought up numerous times since the moment I picked up my first DSLR and started shooting. I always thought that as an amateur, shooting for free to gain exposure and knowledge was all part and parcel. After attending a couple of workshops and heavily investing in equipment, sometimes the whole idea … Read more

Aching feet

My feet is aching from two days of shooting and yet here I am getting ready to go for brunch with some of my Sheffield pals. Had loads of fun over the two days but raring for more! So many photos to back up and process but I got to find the time to work … Read more