Back from Perth

Yes I am back from Perth. I learned a lot of things about Western Australia and how kangaroo meat tastes like beef if cooked correctly. I also learned not to listen to vet students when they talk about how scary some animal’s meat can be and all the diseases that come with it. Will blog … Read more

Welcome to Perth!

Yes I am in Perth at the moment enjoying the great food and the amazing company. Will definitely blog more about it but at the mean time, here is a shot I took from the plane on the way to Perth. Managed to get some cheap flights on Tiger Airways. Thank goodness that Air Asia … Read more

Technical Problems

I am currently facing some technical problems at the moment as I try to switch over from a generic based title URL to one that is more Search Engine friendlier one. Because of this, the links to my previous posts are not viewable at the moment until it gets replicated into the database. Sorry for … Read more