Gboard for iOS Review

There was a time when Apple allowed other software makers to create their own “keyboard” for iOS devices. It was as though it was yesterday because I was utterly frustrated that as much as the functionalities that they bring, it was buggy and sometimes downright completely useless. Then came Gboard for iOS. A keyboard, made … Read more

Facebook and Oculus VR Demo at Oculus Connect 3

A week back, Mark Zuckerberg and his team demoed the Social VR software at the Oculus Connect 3. The demo showed how Mark, using an Oculus headset, interacting with people remotely in virtual reality. The interaction included playing games, chatting and even answering a video call in the virtual world. What was interesting was the … Read more

Google Wifi – Mesh Wifi

I have always been intrigued by how some companies started selling mesh enabled WiFi devices. Whilst it has been mostly limited to the United States, Google in their recent event has announced the Google Wifi. Companies like Eero and even Singtel (our friendly neighbours down south) provided hardware to enable mesh wireless connectivity for the … Read more

Chromecast Woes

In our office, we have a slew of first generation Chromecast devices. About 16 in total and after more than a year, we have been unable to get it to work steadily. Devices appear and disappear in the network even though when I run a diagnostic check, everything works quite well. Issues The same issues … Read more