Whats up with the internet connection?

I was at Starbucks in Centrepoint Bandar Utama last night trying to get some computer based trainings done while accompanying munZ as she worked. The wifi signal with the greatest strength was TimeZone but among all the other wifi connections about, it was the slowest. It was so bad that even my Live Messenger couldn’t … Read more

Since I have been away

Woah, I just realised that lots of things have occurred since my last post which contained words. And not just anything but major important things which might make an impact in the very environment that I am most active in. Anwar Wins in Permatang Pauh Of course the biggest news is that Anwar is back … Read more

Burning Out

Yes thats right, I am burning, literally that is. I was stuck under the sun for the past couple of weekends and I have gotten rather tanned. The first occasion was when I went for my first round of golf on the green at UPM. Being the complete newbie or n00b, I went there without … Read more