Updating Your iOS Device Without iTunes
As clueless I was, I didn’t know that iOS 5 came out with this new feature, which was the ability to update your iPhone’s/iPad’s iOS version via Wifi without the need to plug-in to iTunes. It’s very easy to do it, just follow the following steps. Go to your iPhone’s “Settings” option Select “General“ Then … Read more
Wednesday Clicks
I really can’t believe the weekend just flew by and I won a wooden spoon! Will talk about the wooden spoon another time but it is time for a Wednesday Clicks! Still feeling the World Cup Blues? Or is your body clock waking you up at 1.45am in the morning? If that still happens to … Read more
Whats on my iPhone
I recently learned how to actually take screenshots of my iPhone screen and thanks to that, I can actually post up a post which has been lingering in my mind lately but I just was too darn lazy to actually capture screenies on my phone using my camera! Anyway before I proceed with the actual … Read more