Google Wifi – Mesh Wifi

I have always been intrigued by how some companies started selling mesh enabled WiFi devices. Whilst it has been mostly limited to the United States, Google in their recent event has announced the Google Wifi. Companies like Eero and even Singtel (our friendly neighbours down south) provided hardware to enable mesh wireless connectivity for the … Read more

IEEE 802.11ac – Is it worth the wait?

When Apple announced their Macbook Pro with 802.11ac WIFI connectivity, I was thinking, finally it is about time WIFI has managed to come this far and be close to replacing Gigabit network cables. Sebastion Anthony has this to say. 802.11ac will only get faster, too. As we mentioned earlier, the theoretical max speed of 802.11ac … Read more

Whats up with the internet connection?

I was at Starbucks in Centrepoint Bandar Utama last night trying to get some computer based trainings done while accompanying munZ as she worked. The wifi signal with the greatest strength was TimeZone but among all the other wifi connections about, it was the slowest. It was so bad that even my Live Messenger couldn’t … Read more