Burgers Delight

It all started when a friend of mine decided to tag me on Facebook with Burgertory’s advert for their Big Fry Belly Burger that I decided to try it out. I am not much of a fan to start taking pictures of food and start blogging about it but the burger was as awesome as … Read more

BMW Intensive Driver Training

Last year I joined the BMW Advanced Driver Training which was held at the carpark area at Sepang Circuit (read my last post here). Later in the year, I managed to score seats at the BMW Intensive Driver Training. The difference between these two trainings is that the Advanced training was mostly done at the … Read more

New Year’s Resolution

It is already 2014 and as I start the new year, I received an interesting link on Facebook where it talks about 24 invaluable skills you can actually learn online for free. http://www.buzzfeed.com/summeranne/24-invaluable-skills-to-learn-for-free-online-this-year Taking a cue from that link, I decided that instead of trying all 24 and then falling flat on my face, I … Read more