Off to Lumut

Yes I will be off to Lumut for my annual company trip. Initially I wanted to bring my camera and participate in the photography competition but after an hour of packing up all the stuff I need to bring, I decided against it. Why, you might ask. Well I have to carry Yin Sern’s guitar … Read more

As of late

Lately I have been busy either attending my usual training courses which require me to stay over as well as band practice for my upcoming company trip. Those two activities really took a toll on me over the past week and I have been facing more internet connection problems at home, hence the lack of … Read more

Yes I am still alive!

Yes I have been missing in action on my blog for a while and that is because I have been held up at work for the past week and this week, I am here at the Marriott hotel enjoying 5 nights stay here. Well I will hardly be in my room because I will be … Read more