Second Attempt at Shooting some Volkswagen Golfs

Back in May this year, I attempted my first night shoot on the Volkswagen Golf. Only recently did I attempt my second shoot. This time it was done within 45 minutes and the location was extremely impromptu. Let’s just say that I was driving back from Putrajaya and I made a detour towards an industrial … Read more

Unibrace UB Underbody Brace Review

Update: Had an issue with my theme earlier. Apparently the permission settings for the stylesheets were screwed up (no idea how that happened). I hope everyone can see the blog now 🙂 So what is a Unibrace? I am sure you might have heard of the brand Ultra Racing especially since locally they have been … Read more

First Attempt at Shooting some Volkswagen Golfs

Okay, I have been procrastinating this for quite a bit but when the opportunity arose for a quick shoot at night, I thought let’s go for it! Completely unprepared, I prepped my gears and head off, into the night, where I had totally NO idea on how to shoot cars at night. First of all, I had … Read more

RCD 510 – A Quick Review

Well this post is completely unrelated to photography but recently I managed to get a good look at various car mods around and found this particularly interesting for those of you who drive a Volkswagen car (namely the Polo, Golf, Scirocco, Jetta and Passat). Of course, this mod falls under the category of “In Car Entertainment” … Read more