Mum lessons

My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE… “If you’re going kill each other, do it outside – I just finished cleaning!” My mother taught me RELIGION… “You better pray that will come out of the carpet.” My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL… “If you don’t straighten up, I’m going to knock … Read more

Turning 26

Today, I turn 26 and I am not jumping around having fun but cooped up in the office like any other day. What makes today a little bit special is that it has been a slow day at work with just a couple of meetings and some important decisions I have to make. One of … Read more

Busy times ahead

This week (starting from last Saturday) has definitely been a whirlwind of events for me. Time has definitely been of the essence for me and I am trying to squeeze in as much time as I can to improve my photography skills as well as keep up with my other responsibilities. Firstly I had a … Read more

Why do they call it potluck?

Anyway no shots of the food but just some shots of the activities we did during the last FLARE gathering. As Dexter did say, it has been a year since everyone from the group manage to have a get together. With half of the group studying in Australia and the other half busy working, I … Read more