Guess where I was today?

I was at someplace really high up. Really really high, I will let these photos do the talking for me. It was rather difficult to shoot through glass as there were some reflection. Anyway it has been an exciting and tiring weekend. Time to get back to work again tomorrow and start working hard again!

Out of Practice

It is so true that practice makes perfect. I really need to find the time to practice shooting a lot more often. Although I have been shooting during weekends, but that is only a small amount compared to the real amount I should be shooting. Tomorrow, I shall start bringing my camera about and start … Read more

Iron Man a.k.a Orang Besi

Screamed the title of a superb movie, well not exactly the title but just the subtitle. After watching it last night, I felt that this was one of the better Marvel movies that was showed on the big screen. The awesome portrayal of Tony Stark as the eccentric billionaire played by Robert Downey Jr. The … Read more

A quick post

After a whirlwind of workshops and conferences, I am finally back in PJ, back in the office and pulling in my usual work. Yes that means concentrating fully on my day job and taking less time to view photos online or even go on Facebook (except for the occasional checks). This will be a quick … Read more