Updating Your iOS Device Without iTunes

As clueless I was, I didn’t know that iOS 5 came out with this new feature, which was the ability to update your iPhone’s/iPad’s iOS version via Wifi without the need to plug-in to iTunes. It’s very easy to do it, just follow the following steps. Go to your iPhone’s “Settings” option Select “General“  Then … Read more

Movie Review: Immortals

When you advertise a movie that came from the same producers of 300, it is definitely a movie I wanted to watch but the only problem with that was it created a huge hype. Now the problem with having such a high expectation of the movie, the moment it slightly disappoints, critics will be all over … Read more

Second Attempt at Shooting some Volkswagen Golfs

Back in May this year, I attempted my first night shoot on the Volkswagen Golf. Only recently did I attempt my second shoot. This time it was done within 45 minutes and the location was extremely impromptu. Let’s just say that I was driving back from Putrajaya and I made a detour towards an industrial … Read more