Movie Review – The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Last Saturday I did something which I haven’t done in a very long time, I watched two movies in a day. Well this post will be dedicated to the first one I saw on Saturday. Basically the movie is placed in a completely different timeline as the first movie. In the first movie, the kids … Read more

Staying Warm

Recently at work I have been working on knowledge management which requires me to study a little bit of taxonomy structures and how to implement it within an organization. One of the examples I usually use to explain taxonomy would be to reference it to a scientific classification of animals. For example, the scientific classification … Read more

Life’s Indulgences

Something very simple and something I missed since when I was in the UK. The simple pleasures of life. I wonder why they never bring it to Malaysia la! Darn, I am craving for one right now. I wonder if the cravings will ever stop. Now, where can I find another one. I knew I … Read more

Greetings from Sunny Singapore

As the title states very clearly, I am currently in Singapore attending and shooting my uni-mate’s wedding. It is a 3 day stint and I am on the very last leg (wedding dinner is tonight). Not that I have been having it easy for the past couple of days, it was extremely exhausting! I will … Read more