Driven: Sungai Koyan to Cameron Highlands

View from the original BOH Tea Centre and Factory
View from the original BOH Tea Centre and Factory

Here is the next chapter of my “Driven” series as I go around the country finding places to drive to and enjoy the roads of Malaysia. This time around we decided on a day trip to Cameron Highlands via the Sungai Koyan route. We chose this route because of it’s amazing sceneries, smooth and wide roads as well as fantastic winding routes which allow drivers like our group to enjoy the fun and the thrill of the drive. It’s definitely a way better route up to Camerons compared to the usual Tapah route in my opinion.

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Cameron Highlands Trip – Day 2

One of the places you must visit when you are at Cameron Highlands is the Boh’ Tea Centre. Getting there is not an easy task and I would really advice against driving cars which are really huge as you might have to squeeze through oncoming traffic on a horrendous narrow path. Also car pool if … Read more