Second Attempt at Shooting some Volkswagen Golfs

Back in May this year, I attempted my first night shoot on the Volkswagen Golf. Only recently did I attempt my second shoot. This time it was done within 45 minutes and the location was extremely impromptu. Let’s just say that I was driving back from Putrajaya and I made a detour towards an industrial … Read more

Weng Jou & Yvonne’s Portrait Session

Sometimes the weather in Malaysia has always been rather predictable especially now during the monsoon season but there are times where I would be praying very hard for nice weather and bright sunlight. Unfortunately, the sun wasn’t up that day but although the sky was rather gloomy in some ways, we still managed to have … Read more

Getting back on track (4) – A morning with Jacq, Sofea and Castelle

Here is the final installation of my “getting back on track” plan. Well it is not really a full blown workshop but more of like a gathering of photographers from the Lowyat.Net forum early on a Sunday morning to learn from one another shooting 3 models. After all of these workshops and outings, I still … Read more

Getting back on track (3) – An afternoon with Nicole

Sometimes I wondered why I signed up for a workshop which was something I most probably knew everything that was going to be thought. Really, the very first 30-40minutes I was just flabbergastered because I really knew what the trainers were teaching to the rest of the students. Then it hit me, absolute pride. I … Read more