Maye & Friends Portrait Shoot

When I first advertised on my blog here about my portrait promotion, the first thing I had in mind were couples who might be signing up for the promotion. But to my surprise, when Maye contacted me, it wasn’t just a couple but instead, she asked if I could do a session for her and … Read more

Langkawi – Day 2

To be honest, after being to islands like Phuket, Bali and even Singapore (no, I am not talking about people with an island mentality), I have come to realise the vast difference between Langkawi and these other tourist destinations. Seriously, the place could definitely use something to spruce it up but then, what does Langkawi … Read more

A quick post

After a whirlwind of workshops and conferences, I am finally back in PJ, back in the office and pulling in my usual work. Yes that means concentrating fully on my day job and taking less time to view photos online or even go on Facebook (except for the occasional checks). This will be a quick … Read more